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It is perhaps the ugliest name for an idyllic location: the Separation Point. Vroomshoop has the dubious honor of possessing this point within the village limits. It is an important site of the northern Twente village: this is where it originated in the nineteenth century.

Vroomshoop Devote berth


The Separation Point is a T-junction of canals, including the Overijssels Kanaal and the Zwolse Kanaal. These were dug in the last century and were then an important "highway" for freight transportation. In the regions of northern Twente, it was mainly peat and peat, and later agricultural products.

Pleasure boats

You don't see the pleasure boats cruising along it today. They have better things to do: enjoy the scenery, for example. On the bucket list of many pleasure boaters: moor at the Separation Point in Vroomshoop. Just tick it off. Pay special attention to the Great Point Bridge. From afar and with a little imagination, it looks just like a fisherman casting his fishing rod.

Pious hope

There is no shortage of churches and denominations in Vroomshoop. Yet the village got its name in a different way, if Wikipedia is to be believed. In the past there seems to have been a hill, which stray monks used as a landmark. A pious hope, in other words. Vroomshoop. Still something to think about if you moor your boat here.

Cycling and hiking in Vroomshoop

Are you in a knot with yourself...aren't you? Well, soon you will be! Because the Twente Cycling Network is a chain of nodes. In Hengelo and its surroundings there are many of them, absolutely worthwhile to cycle through the countryside here. We understand that cycling all the nodes is a bit much, but fortunately you can create your own route. Be creative and enjoy the unique Twente countryside!
